Sunday, June 5, 2011

Mt. Auburn Cemetery.

So a few weeks ago I went to finally check out Mt. Auburn Cemetery with my roommate Simon. It was his idea and it was a great one. I had so much fun and he even offered to take my photo on this adventure. He's such a good friend. This cemetery was A. HUGE. B. Gorgeous. and C. Old. I was in awe the whole time I was there. While walking up this hill we came across this amazing tree and took a drink break there.



There were soooooo many graves! It was a very expensive and old cemetery.


Simon kept saying we were walking towards this massive tower and when we finally got to it, it was a sight to see. We climbed all the way up top and let me tell you, the view was amazing.




You could see so much from the top. There were just so many graves, we came across this huge Celtic cross, being Irish this was pretty cool.

So we got there around 12, and we didnt leave till 4:30. We spent sooooo much time there! I have over 100 photos it was very hard trying to decided which ones to use so I had to split this post up into 2 parts. Stay tuned for part 2!

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