Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Panther Power!

I seriously think this is my biggest tattoo yet? idk! haha. I was told today I need to stop counting since I have more than like 10 haha. My friend Jarrod told me that today. Dan and I still have our "tattoo" bet. Its now including myself, Jarrod, Dan and another lady tattooed like myself. We all have to be done in a certain amount of time....my time? Is when I turn 25, I have to be modestly done by 25, meaning I gotta finish my sleeve, finish my panther and start on my back to finish it off and be the first to have my back body suit! I will do it! haha.

Heres the new panther!!!!!!! Dan Fagan at Imperial Iron (http://www.imperialirontattoo.com/)


13 claws



I will be back in with Dan the 2ed week of June to get back in and start filling in ALL the black! Theres going to be so much black in this its soooooo great!!!!!! I cant wait, but at the same time I hate getting tattooed haha. Yes the panther hurt, outlines hurt way more than shading and I had a large area covered, especially on my hip and side knee.

Stay lovely everyone! More tattoos over the summer!!! xoxoxo!

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